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About Polar Wire Products

We are a wholesale supplier of wire, cables, solderless terminals, and wiring control products, in business for over 30 years. Our premier product line is Arctic Ultraflex Blue® and Arctic Superflex Blue® wire, a revolutionary wire rated for and proven in extreme temperatures and harsh conditions.

Polar Wire Products sign

Polar Wire sells to the general public, as well as on a wholesale basis to government agencies, OEM's, stock distributors, and fleet accounts. If you believe your firm qualifies for wholesale purchasing, please call us for assistance. Authorized distributors are located through the country and we will work with them to facilitate your ability to purchase at competitive pricing.

We supply wire, cables, wire terminals, and wiring control products. Aircraft quality at wholesale automotive prices.

(907) 561-5955
Fax: (907) 561-4233

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Business office hours:
Mon-Fri, 8 am to 5 pm

Map to Our Brick-and-Mortar Storemap to location
Polar Wire Products
7941 Brayton Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99507